The Intuitive Sociologist

How might expanded consciousness such as dreams, intuition and imagination influence social and cultural change? I’m slowly exploring this question and each of these broad subjects on their own. In this blog, The Intuitive Sociologist, I share resources plus notes about my observations and reflections. If these areas of life interest you too, let’s connect.

Nature Intuition: Insight & Guidance from the Natural World

Nature Intuition: Insight & Guidance from the Natural World

When I was a child, we lived on a farm and I played in the woods, creeks, ponds and fields—usually alone. The natural world was my companion. When I needed comfort or to make sense of things, sitting by the creek or in a tree helped. Insights came to me a lot. Occasionally I felt enfolded, like being wrapped in a big warm blanket. Whatever this was, it was natural and familiar, but unnamed. What gave me that feeling? Where did those insights come from?

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Looking Out & Looking In: Can We Operate in More than One State of Consciousness Simultaneously?

Looking Out & Looking In: Can We Operate in More than One State of Consciousness Simultaneously?

In short, the answer is yes, I think. Here’s why.

I’ve had enough intuitive flashes of insight while just doing ordinary daily activities that I’ve wondered how this happens. I don’t yet know if this is the answer but it struck me as a strong possibility when I was reading former Yale psychologist Jerome Singer’s studies of daydreaming.

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InnSaei: The Power of Intuition Documentary

InnSaei: The Power of Intuition Documentary

If you haven’t seen the documentary InnSaei: The Power of Intuition, give it a watch. When 29-year-old Icelander Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir burned out on her job at the United Nations, she resigned. Then she went exploring to find out what went wrong.

Talking to professors, healers, artists, elders, shamans and a deep-sea diving ecologist, she learns about innsaei. It’s the Icelandic word for the sea within.  Also, to see within—to know yourself. And to see from the inside out—intuition. But how does that explain her burnout?

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How the Man Who Taught Soldiers Remote Viewing Thought Intuition Works

How the Man Who Taught Soldiers Remote Viewing Thought Intuition Works

An intriguing description of how intuition works comes from Ingo Swann’s explanation of ESP. Swann, along with Stanford physicist Harold Puthoff, developed the process for remote viewing that the U.S. military used. Swann, a remote viewer himself, did the teaching. In his book, Everybody’s Guide to Natural ESP, Swann says anyone can do remote viewing. Essentially it involves nonconscious information rising to consciousness. Here’s the gist of how he thought it works.

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Social Dreaming: A 20th Century Western Attempt to Use Dreams for Collective Purposes

Social Dreaming: A 20th Century Western Attempt to Use Dreams for Collective Purposes

I’m intrigued by societies using dreams for collective purposes. Mostly those are small and indigenous. But I wonder if it’s possible in complex, industrialized, materialist Western societies and if so, how would it work? What could it achieve? With that questioning, I found “social dreaming.” Maybe companies, governments, schools, communities and other organizations could benefit from a new social dreaming process.

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Imagining: Ways We Use Imagination, Even If We Don’t Know It

Imagining: Ways We Use Imagination, Even If We Don’t Know It

Creative, fantastical imagining can change our lives and our world. But it’s not the most common kind of imagination, by far. And it’s not the only type that can lead to change. After reading philosophers’ debates about imagination, it makes me wonder how we’d live without this mental process, imagining takes so many forms. Sometimes we even use it unconsciously, without recognizing what we’re doing is imagining.

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Social Change: Resilience & Adapting During & After COVID-19

Social Change: Resilience & Adapting During & After COVID-19

When COVID-19 shut the world down in early 2020, much of it went online. For people with internet access and the ability to pay for home delivery, it’s been a way to keep basic needs met and help some small businesses survive—even if it’s been rocky.

What I’ve found hopeful is the creative ways individuals, families and communities are adapting to meet emotional needs as well.

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Intuition: Science, Buddhism & Lost Language and Practice

Intuition: Science, Buddhism & Lost Language and Practice

A few things I’ve noticed in my reading make me think about how culture facilitates or limits what we know and can know. It affects how we interpret experience. I think we might even miss subtle sensory experience when our culture has no language or explanatory framework from which to recognize and express it. I’m thinking specifically about intuition and heart.

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On the Same Wavelength? Watching Human Brains Synch During Social Interaction

On the Same Wavelength? Watching Human Brains Synch During Social Interaction

Most of us have experienced it—the in-tuneness of romantic love, the “flow” of teamwork that’s going well. When we’re in synch with someone, we often say we’re on the same wavelength. Even in large groups—marching together, an audience captivated by a moving performance, or dancing or chanting—we can feel this sense of connection. What’s going on in our bodies when these states happen? Many spiritual traditions say we’re not separate beings. That we’re all connected. Can it be that we really are physiologically connected with each other?

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Want to Make Real Social Change? Question Assumptions

Want to Make Real Social Change? Question Assumptions

I’m starting to see articles speculating on what might change as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Some articles note that the changes following the 9/11 terrorist attack in NYC and the 2008 financial crash weren’t particularly positive and didn’t change the trajectory the U.S. was already on. If we don’t question the basic underlying assumptions, or logics, of mainstream American culture, the same thing will happen after the COVID19 pandemic.

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Consciousness is the Next Frontier for Radical Discovery. Where are the Sociologists?

Consciousness is the Next Frontier for Radical Discovery. Where are the Sociologists?

What consciousness is and how much we can know are two of the most important unanswered questions in science (Scientific American, 2018). The questions aren’t new. Philosophers and theologians have thought about who we are and the nature of reality for eons. Psychologists explore behavior, perception and how we make meaning. Neuroscientists have joined the game too. They’re interested in what produces consciousness and how, the assumption being that its origin is the brain. What can a sociologist’s perspective contribute?

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Time to Imagine: How the #Coronavirus #Lockdown Could Change the Ways We Live

Time to Imagine: How the #Coronavirus #Lockdown Could Change the Ways We Live

Whether for individuals, families, communities or whole societies, change is most likely when there’s a crisis. That’s now. With global travel nearly none, large social events cancelled, schools and non-essential businesses shuttered so people can #ShelterInPlace, the #coronavirus #lockdown is giving us ample time to think about how we do what we do and why we do it that way. We have time to notice the effects and question taken-for-granted assumptions. Americans don’t typically reflect at the societal level. So, what if we did?

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If We Don’t Talk About Intuition, How Will We Learn?

If We Don’t Talk About Intuition, How Will We Learn?

A few people said to me recently that we need to start talking about it. By “it” they mean our experience with intuition—a type of knowing that comes in a variety of ways. It might be synchronicities, for example, or bodily sensations, a heightened sense of smell, visions, dreams or sudden insights without a known stimulus. These are common human experiences across time and cultures.

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Alternative States of Consciousness, Intuition & Social Change

Alternative States of Consciousness, Intuition & Social Change

I’ve been interested in alternative states of consciousness, non-religious spirituality, and social justice most of my life. The first two have been inward focused, and the latter outer. So I’ve experienced and thought about them separately. In the last few years, it started feeling like they need to be brought together. They’re such different states of mind and existence though, I’ve struggled with how to do it.

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