I’ve been interested in alternative states of consciousness, non-religious spirituality, and social justice most of my life. The first two have been inward focused, and the latter outer. So I’ve experienced and thought about them separately. In the last few years, it started feeling like they need to be brought together. They’re such different states of mind and existence though, I’ve struggled with how to do it.

covered bridge near the town where I was born
I think a lot about culture and big systems, and I notice their effects on individuals. Our political system, the economic system, healthcare, technology, education, our food and water supply, energy, social safety net. They’re so huge, it some times feels overwhelming, like we’re trapped by them. How can individuals affect those systems?
Asking that question is what connected my lifelong interests. We can’t use the same thinking that got us into this mess to get us out. Somebody who’s credible and famous said that. I don’t remember who. Probably Einstein. He gets quoted a lot.
Regardless, that led me to another question: Where do we find different ways of thinking? What I realized is, the thinking, the ways of knowing and experiencing the world that exist in dreams, imagining and intuition are definitely different than our usual methods–analytical, technical, linear, progress-at-all-costs mentality.
So, why not explore those different ways of knowing to see what they can tell us about how to change these gargantuan systems? Voilà! My research question was born.
Want to come along on this journey? I’m happy to have traveling companions.